Here we are at week three of this blooming quilt along. This week I made the smaller block size and let me tell you, I definitely prefer larger quilt blocks. I wont lie and say it went well. I made several failed blocks that are going to find their place in my “failed block” quilt! I just hate to scrap them, and I actually enjoy seeing my mistakes.
It is not only motivation to keep improving but also shows how far I’ve grown and it reminds me that, in a world of social media “perfection,” we are not perfect and others need to see that especially those who may be more susceptible to achieving the ideal.
Similar to last week, the block pieces marked with an * are omitted. Block number 3 reminds me of two bows stacked on top of each other.

Block #4 is just a fun variation. If you see something wild and fun please comment! I would love to hear what you see.

Next week I will be going back to the larger size. If you are doing all small blocks I pat you on the back! If you are doing all large blocks I’m jelous! I really wanted to do a combination to continue to improve my skills as well as create depth in my quilt.

Don’t forget to hashtag #startingtobloomquiltalong on your social media platform choice! I would love to see everyone’s color choices and blooming flower gardens.
Start to Bloom by choosing JOY—Julia