Starting to Bloom Quilt Along Week 13

Here we are at the final steps of our Blooming QAL! This week we assemble our blocks and create a fence for our garden. Next week we will see the final quilt in all its blooming glory.

My assembled blocks include spacing out the small flowers. For that I just added either a 3 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ piece of background fabric for a single flower or a 6 1/2″ square of background fabric for two flowers.

Below you will find the layout for the fences. Each is a basic machine pieced block and they should measure 12 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ unfinished. There are two easy square triangles that need to be assembled. They are the two posts that have the angles on them. To create those you will cut a 2 1/2″ square of your background fabric and assemble using the easy square triangle method. You should be experts on the easy square triangle method by now with all the flowers you have created!

I had a hard time trying to decide whether to put the fence on the bottom or the top. When the fence was on the top I felt like I was in the garden. On the bottom, however, I feel like I am admiring from outside of the garden. I finally asked for advice from my husband and he liked it on the bottom–which was my initial idea –so that is what we went with.
Because cats and quilts go so well together, here is my purr baby. His name is Gambit.

Happy Sewing!

Start to bloom by choosing JOY~Julia