Welcome to December everyone! I am excited to share this post with you. Last week I dived into the deep end and made (quilted) something to wear! I am no fan of making clothes. Every time I have attempted to make something it never worked out–didn’t fit, zipper was not centered or just overall wonky. However, that was YEARS ago and so I decided to merge what I love doing with something that was challenging yet also something I wanted to improve my skills on.
So I made a QUILTED Jacket! I found an amazing FREE tutorial on YouTube from someone I follow on Instagram. She makes some of the process easy by using an oversized sweatshirt as her “pattern” while also using the sweatshirt as the batting of the quilt. I loved this idea since I didn’t need to fiddle with piecing a pattern and figuring out measurements etc. I just bought a sweatshirt one size bigger.

The tutorial is published by Laundry Basket Quilts and can be found here.
I followed her tutorial almost to a tee but I did round the neckline and the bottom of my jacket.
I made my jacket using my #anhourglassaday project that I was participating in on Instagram. When I started the project I really had no clue what I was going to do with all my hourglass blocks. My initial thought was just to make another quilt. However, when I saw the quilted jacket idea I knew I just had to try it. I decided I would use my hourglass blocks for my first attempt at the jacket. And so my scrappy hourglass quilted jacket was born.
My kids love when I wear this jacket–which is like everyday. Since it is so scrappy it is like an iSpy quilt to them. Most of the scraps I used came from a lot of the masks I made and those masks included some character fabrics like my daughters favorite–Pokémon. Can you spot the Pokémon blocks?

I really enjoyed making this jacket and I look forward to making more clothes for myself and my girls. I am already drafting ideas for my next jacket. I am also researching the idea of adding a lining. In the tutorial video the author mentions the word lining but does not make one but ops for just zigzagging the edges. I like the idea of a finished inside look. I will definitely make a post on that when I begin my next project. Sew in the meantime…Happy sewing!
Starting to bloom by choosing JOY~Julia