I have discovered QUILT SWAPS! I may already be an addict. I am participating in 3 different swaps right now.
For those who have read my story, you know that I lost my job due to covid. I am living my best life right now getting to stay at home with my little ones as well as get to be creative everyday and document my journey with this lovely blog.
However, if you are a SAHM you may know the feeling. That day to day, same old, same stuff feeling. When I had a job outside the home, I had deadlines to meet and a sense of purpose. While I still have an amazing purpose, raising my children to be kind and loving individuals, I feel lost sometimes on what purpose I have for myself and the motivation for it.
That is why I am so excited to have found quilt swaps! I not only get to be creative, but I get to do it for someone else and I have deadlines to meet etc. It may sound crazy to some, but the deadline is the best part. It gives me motivation to finish projects.
I tend to be the person who starts a million projects at once because I can’t focus on one thing due to no deadline.
Currently the only swap that I am participating in that is still open is the Egg Swap by @postalthreads . During this swap partners are asked to make at lease one refillable fabric egg. Sewing and sending extras is encouraged but not required. Partners are assigned February 16, 2021 so sign up before then here. This swap you need the organizers pattern, but it is currently half off!

Check back soon to see my SWAP updates. I will also post any new swaps that I plan to join so you can try to join too.
Happy Sewing!
Starting to bloom by choosing JOY ~Julia