Welcome, Quilt Block Mania fans, to my site Inflorescence Designs. I am so joyful you are here! Each month will feature a quilt block you can get for FREE! The blocks might be traditional pieced, paper pieced or applique (I love doing all of these techniques).
This month’s theme is Party and I have created a traditional pieced block that incorporates a little bit of applique. It is a sparkler! I have included measurements for a 12″ finished block. Please enjoy and if you use social media don’t forget to hashtag #inflorescencedesignspatterns.

You can find the Sparkler Block HERE!
Consider subscribing if you would like to know when I post new content. I published free tutorials and other patterns regularly. Check out the rest of my blog!
Check out all the other free blocks this month:
Party Crown Quilt Block by Carolina Moore
Party Bear by Colette Belt Designs
Folded Napkins by Patchwork Breeze
Confetti Horn by Crafty Staci
Celebrate Letters by Tamarinis
Ballons & Streamers by Appliques Quilts and More
Happy New Year by Inquiring Quilter
Festa Block by Ships & Violins
Sparkler by Inflorescence
Gift Boxes by QuiltFabrication
Party Glam by Patti’s Patchwork
Cheers by Robin Kinley Designs
Free Disco Ball Block @ Slightly Biased Quilts
Cake by tourmaline Thyme Quilts
Fireworks by Cristy Fincher
Pinata by Flowerdog+Co
Dressed for the Occasion by Epida Studio

Continue to bloom by choosing Joy ~ Julia
thank you. this looks like it will be a lot of fun to make