Welcome, Quilt Block Mania fans, to my site Inflorescence Designs. I am so joyful you are here! Each month will feature a quilt block you can get for FREE! The blocks might be traditional pieced, paper pieced or applique (I love doing all of these techniques).
This month’s theme is Maker and I have created a traditional pieced block. I chose to create pottery as my design. I may be working as a fiber artist now, but I went to school under a broader term. I studied Three-Dimensional Design which included fiber arts, but I also specialized in ceramics. I love to throw clay on the pottery wheel. I have an obsession with handmade mugs.

My love of both fiber arts and pottery stems from my love of creating something to be used as well as science. Quilts and mugs are “CRAFTS” they are typically NOT considered ART. Some might get angry at this statement, however, look up what the word craft is and look up what the word art is.
Crafts are science upon knowledge. Ceramics and fiber arts have a science behind them and perfecting them is what makes them usable. Ceramics is chemistry, quilting is geometry (and the materials used to dye the fabrics are chemistry). Think of craft beers or craft breads, time and science went into creating them just as ceramics and fiber arts do as well.
Fiber arts have algorithms built into them. Think weaving, crochet and knitting. There is no crochet, weaving or knitting without a pattern or algorithm. Art on the other hand is a visual expression. Anyone can create art.
A five-year-old can create art, but can they create a piece of pottery start to finish? Can they, make the clay so that it can withstand the pulling and stretching of the making process as well as firing? Can they mix glazes that create beautiful colors and are food safe? The simple answer is no. Craft is science upon knowledge and that can take years.
Yes, craft CAN be art, but they are not one in the same.
But I digress….
I have included measurements for a 12″ and 6″ finished blocks. Please enjoy and if you use social media don’t forget to hashtag #inflorescencedesignspatterns.

You can find the Pottery Block HERE!
Consider subscribing if you would like to know when I post new content. I published free tutorials and other patterns regularly. Check out the rest of my blog!
Check out all the other free blocks this month:
Gear Quilt Block by Carolina Moore
Hammer by Patchwork Breeze
Canning Jars by Crafty Staci
Rotary Cutter by Katie Mae
Cricut Maker by Appliques Quilts and More
Spool and Bobbins by Inquiring Quilter
Music Maker by Scrapdash
Variegated Thread by EvaPaige Quilt Designs
Pretty Spools by Sew Worthy Mama
Pottery by Inflorescence Designs
Quilt Maker by QuiltFabrication
Maker block by Patti’s Patchwork
Heart Hand by Brown Bird Designs
Quilting Bear by Colette Belt Designs
My Favorite Things by Robin Kinley Designs, Etc.
Cross Stitch Block by Slightly Biased Quilts
Paint Palette by Tourmaline & Thyme Quilts
Sewing Friends by Epida Studio
Make My Mark by Cristy Fincher
I Love to Make quilt block by Victoria Peat
Rainbow Glimmers by Craftapalooza Designs
Sweetgrass Basket by Emerald Falls Quilts
Maker Block: Sewing Machine by Oh Kaye Quilting
Pincushion by Flowerdog+Co
Painters Tools FPP by Amanda Harris

Happy Sewing!
Continue to bloom by choosing JOY ~ Julia
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