Welcome, Quilt Block Mania fans, to my site Inflorescence Designs. I am so joyful you are here! Each month will feature a quilt block you can get for FREE! The blocks might be traditional pieced, paper pieced or applique (I love doing all of these techniques).
This month’s theme is Baby and I have created an applique block of a cloth diaper. I used cloth diapers with my children, and I loved them. I have included measurements for a 12″ finished block. Please enjoy and if you use social media don’t forget to hashtag #inflorescencedesignspatterns.

You can find the Cloth Diaper Block HERE!
Check out all the other free blocks this month:
Safety Pin Quilt Block by Carolina Moore
Elephant Rattle by Inquiring Quilter
Cloth Diaper by Inflorescence
Bookworm Block by Scrapdash
20+ Black and White HST Quilt Blocks for Babies!
Crib Mobile by Patchwork Breeze
Baby Feet by QuiltFabrication
Feeding Time by Patti’s Patchwork
Soother by Penny Spool Quilts
Baby Bodysuit by Crafty Staci
Baby Nine patch at Epida Studio
Baby Botique
Teddy Bear
Baby Buggy by Robin Kinley Designs, Etc.
Hugs & Kisses Quilt Block

Continue to bloom by choosing Joy ~ Julia
this is wonderful. thanks for the pattern. I remember when these first started to come out. Our kids were already in high school. LOL