Welcome, Quilt Block Mania fans, to my site Inflorescence Designs. I am so joyful you are here! Each month will feature a quilt block you can get for FREE! The blocks might be traditional pieced, paper pieced or applique (I love doing all of these techniques).
This month’s theme is Places and I have created a Rose Garden inspired block design. I have included measurements for both 6″ and 12″ finished blocks. Please enjoy and if you use social media don’t forget to hashtag #inflorescencedesignspatterns.
This block is a lot of fun on its own, but the real beauty happens when you make multiples and put them together!

Get the Rose Garden Block Here!
Check out all the other free blocks this month:
Cruise Ship Quilt Block by Carolina Moore
Beach by Inquiring Quilter
Rose Garden by Inflorescence
Glimpse of Home
Rainbow’s End by Sugar Sand Quilt Co.
Cabin in the Woods by QuiltFabricaion
Geirangerfjord by Patti’s Patchwork
New Mexico by Paleofish Designs
Lighthouse by Appliques Quilts and More
On the Lake by Crafty Staci
Welcome to Sunshine Village
Blue Hole by Sallys Sewing Circle
Welsh Castle at Flowerdog+Co
Are We There Yet? at Purple Moose Designs
Going to Ohio at Epida Studio
Beach Scene by Patchwork Breeze
House on the Hill by Robin Kinley Designs, Etc
Coffee Shop Quilt Block by Happy Hippie Studio

Continue to bloom by choosing JOY ~ Julia
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