COMING JUNE 18, 2021!
Since I first designed my Georgia Peach Pattern, I have made it several times and in doing so I noticed a few errors. These errors do not affect the actual block but add excessive cutting and pieces. On June 18, 2021 I will be posting my Georgia Peach Block again. On the blog post there will be corrections. I am unable to fix the downloadable pattern at this time but hope to in the future. Thanks for visiting Inflorescence Designs!
It is that time of year. If you live in the Midwest, like I do, then you know what the Peach Truck is. If you don’t, then let me enlightened you. You can find their website and their story here. The short story here is the peach truck goes on tour each summer visiting different cities in the Midwest. They bring the sweetest cling free peaches with them.
I love peaches! But I cannot each an entire 25 POUNDS within a week. So what do I do? I can them. I actually find joy in canning fruits and veggies. It is A LOT of work but the end result is rewarding. Hmmmm….sounds similar to quilting.

This year I went out on a limb and added cinnamon to my peach recipe. Oh boy is it good! Below you can see my recipe.
- 1 TBSP Cinnamon
- 10 Cups of Water
- 3/4 cup of Honey
- 3/4 cup of White Sugar
I mixed all the ingredients on the list in a non-reactive pan and brought to a boil. I filled my prepared peaches with the syrup and processed in a water bath according to preserving standards. This recipe is considered a light syrup. It looks like a lot of sugar but your standard light sugar syrup calls for 1 1/2 cups of sugar to 5 3/4 water.
The recipe above filled 15 pint size jars. I actually filled 23 pints and 9 half pints. The additional jars were filled with a simple light syrup.

So in celebration of it being peach season and my continuation of this joyful journey, I am giving you a FREE quilt block pattern! I am excited to name this one Georgia Peach. It is a simple machine piecing pattern. It is made in the same way as all my other patterns. You can check them out here.

So without further ado, here is the Georgia Peach Quilt Block Pattern. It includes both 6″ and 12″ finished quilt block sizes. I considered it to be for the advanced beginner. The smallest piece is a 1″x 1″ square. Stay tuned to my blog and check out my etsy shop for more delicious fruit patterns coming soon.
I would love to see everyone’s Georgia Peaches. Use the hashtag #georgiapeachblock on your social media platform of choice and mention Inflorescence Designs! I can’t wait to see everyone’s blocks and the projects you create with them.

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Starting to bloom by choosing JOY–Julia
This is a free pattern for your use and pleasure. This pattern and all accompanying photos remain the copyright of Julia Schweri and Inflorescence Designs. You may not publish or distribute this pattern without permission. You’re welcome to sell physical items made from this pattern, as long as you credit Inflorescence Designs. The items you sell must be made by an individual person (no production line or mass-production). You may not use my photos to sell your own work.