There are several ways you can hang a small wall or mini quilt. Here I will show you how I hang my small quilted projects. This is just one method but it is by far my favorite.
* This method is done before the binding of the projects is done.
Materials Needed
- Two scraps of fabric cut into squares. The size depends on the size of the mini quilt. I usually take the width and divide by 4. So a 20” project should have two 5” squares.
- small dowel rod or if I’m doing a larger size project I have even used a metal tension rod.
Step One
Cut your scraps to the appropriate size square depending on your mini quilt size.

Step Two
Fold in half on the diagonal and press.

Step Three
Line up the raw edges of the triangles with the raw top corners of the quilt. Pin in place.

Step Four
Baste/sew the raw edges as close to the edge as possible so the seam will be hidden when binding is added. You could also just see the binding on at this point, making sure you catch the triangles. I, however, like to baste them so I know they are secure.

There you have it! Very simple! Just slide in your dowel or tension rod after you finish binding your project.

* Another Fun Tip: If hanging something seasonal or a quilt you change out regularly, the tension rod is a great alternative so you don’t have dowel rods all over the place.
Starting to bloom by choosing JOY—Julia
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